Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sour Long Gum, Cola Flavor

Once again, I can't blame TokyoTreat for this since my previous cola gum came from another box, but the amount of cola gum I'm getting in these boxes is certainly starting to get old. Regardless, this is supposedly a popular variety in Japan, and as the name implies, it is sour. Let's see what we have in store.

One difference about this gum from other cola gum is that is brown. Whether that is due to ingredients or artificial colors remains a mystery, but it certainly adds to the perception of what it'll be. As usual I get the standard strong cola flavor, and at this point I'm beginning to wonder if there's any variation between these.

I first notice putting the gum in my mouth that it is certainly more sizeable than the other ones, and VERY flavorful! While most cola snacks are a direct cola gut-punch, this one softens the cola flavor a bit with some other flavor that I can't make out, maybe caramel or something, but whatever it is, I'm appreciating this milder take on cola. Even as the flavor begins to wane it's quite pleasant, the texture of the gum is also quite soft, like a gummy pillow. Interestingly enough I'm not getting much of a sour flavor as advertised, but maybe it was there at the beginning. However the amount of gum also becomes overwhelming after a bit of time, making my puppy teeth show their might a little more than they're used to. I am impressed though how the flavor seems to last a bit longer than other gums. I think overall if presented with the three cola gums I've had so far, this is the one I'd go for.

Rating: 8 - Rowf!

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