Sunday, February 18, 2018

Kit Kats - Matcha, Raspberry, Strawberry

For this batch of Kit Kats, we've got the ones with fairly plain packaging, but the flavors are sure to be anything but. I'm particularly excited about the matcha one, but the fruity flavors are sure to add a great touch alongside the crispy Kit Kat presentation too.

The matcha Kit Kat, despite the very dark green package, has a bit of a lighter color, but this makes sense. The matcha scent however is very strong ,and there seem to be specks throughout, so it's sure to be great.

Like the smell, the matcha flavor is incredibly strong. Some might almost find this too strong as it seems to lessen the candy properties of the Kit Kat, transitioning more from sweetness into the bitter tea flavor, but for tea enthusiasts like me it's a nice kick.

Rating: 7 - Aroof!

The raspberry one on the other hand sticks with the pink color of its wrapper and has a really vibrant smell to boot! It's really sweet and bright, smelling it takes me through the raspberry clouds in the sky, mmm.... also the texture seems to be a little bit graiiner than the first which could have interesting effects on the taste.

Taking a bite reveals a vibrant treat, indeed! I do really like the different texture because it's like an inviting gateway to the raspberry fountain inside, and it really does feel like a fountain. Not in the liquid sense, but how the flavor just seems to gush into your mouth once your teeth make their way in. Pretty incredible sensation, and the sweetness seems to enhance the raspberry rather than overpower it. Really powerful experience, from texture to flavor, from a treat I never expected to wow me.

Rating: 10 - AWOOOOOOO!

The strawberry one actually has the same color as the raspberry one, but back to the normal texture. The scent is the typical strawberry scent I've come to understand now, and not overpowered with sweetness so as to deviate from the strawberry I've known.

After the raspberry Kit Kat, the strawberry one doesn't seem particularly special in taste, but it still is plenty good on its own. The inside wafer is less strawberry flavored than the outside coating, which adds in an interesting contrast. But this one seems to lack some sweetness and vibrance, where the strawberry treats that are above the rest seem to have that.

Rating: 6 - Aruff!

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