Sunday, February 25, 2018

Maruta Purin Gokko

Ah pudding, my old friend. It's certainly been a while but don't think I've forgotten about you. How your eggy creaminess pairs perfectly with your gelatinous texture, throwing my senses into cloud nine floating on some light but tasty egg custard... and this time I get to have a part in making it myself! We'll see if that measures up, or it should stay premade.

Well the contents might be the simplest of any DIY I've seen so far, it's just a cup, powder, and straw. Though I guess that's all you really need. Only slightly disappointing is that this means there won't be a separate caramel layer which really does add a lot to the pudding. The powder, strangely enough, seems to be a mix of things, there is one part that looks like tiny white sprinkles and another that is purely powder. I guess this makes sense as several components are in there.

All this DIY requires is water and stirring, but it's a lot of stirring... I was doing this for quite a while and it still doesn't seem entirely consistent. Mainly because one of the parts of the powder makes a thicker mixture than the other, so you have to mix in the clumps with the pudding-colored water, and this takes quite a while. It finally smells like pudding though so there's that.

I'm not sure why a straw was given for this since it's not good as a stirring utensil, or a way to consume this pudding, so I ended up just lapping it up! It's good despite the suspect yellow color and off texture, got that normal eggy taste to it. Of course it doesn't get the texture quite right, so maybe I put too much water in, though there wasn't really good instruction of how much should go in. As I finish it I get some of those clumps I was referring too, and they're the opposite, too thick for pudding, so I guess this works for exploring the boundaries of texture for the pudding or something. The pudding taste isn't all that special either, it's good because it's pudding, but I wouldn't take this over any of the other pudding snacks I've had, that's for sure.

Rating: 4 - Boof!

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