Saturday, December 9, 2017

Yaokin Strawberry Daifuku Marshmallow

Another marshmallow! With the two highest rated things on this blog so far being marshmallows, you know I'm already salivating for this one. This is strawberry flavored, which doesn't appeal to my puppy senses as much as pudding or churro but I'm sure Yaokin is cooking up something great with this one too. This treat comes courtesy of market-tokyo, who actually gave this as a bonus with my order of their pudding marshmallows. Imagine my surprise! So here we go, another marshmallow to review.

Now the one confusing thing about the name of this treat is that it is labeled as daifuku, which is a mochi treat, but this is a marshmallow that only resembles daifuku in appearance (there is an actual daifuku in the latest Japan Crate I will review later). While the pudding marshmallow's aroma burst out of the package when I opened it, this one doesn't quite have that same smell, but it's still there, and I certainly get the strawberry taste sniffing it up close.

After taking an initial bite, it's pretty good! The taste of the strawberry filling reminds me more of strawberry cream than pure strawberry, and the treat in general resembles the flavor of angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries, a dessert staple for the other foodie wolves in my den. Once again the marshmallow does a nice job of rounding out the sweetness from the strawberry cream. The flavor isn't incredible like the pudding filling of the other marshmallow, but it's very much a nice flavor, and some of the strongest strawberry taste I've ever had from a treat that small. When can I get a variety pack of these? I want to try all the flavors!

Rating: 8 - Rowf!

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