Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Cheesecake Cookies

It hasn't been evident from the things I've reviewed here, but this puppy loves pumpkin. I've probably eaten enough to practically turn into that pumpkin dog from Steven Universe. Pie, cheesecake, butter cake, ice cream, cereal, pasta, you name it. Pumpkin just makes everything better. That's why I pounced on these pumpkin cheesecake cookies in the store. You have to get this stuff while it's there because it all goes away after December making for one sad pup. But hey it's good while it lasts right?

The smell I get when opening the box would be best described as that of a Nutri-Grain bar with a hint of pumpkin in it. Definitely not what I was expecting. I was pleasantly surprised to see the cookies are soft! In fact one was already broken in the box. Very malleable, And the chips look all scattered around, not quite the best integrated into the dough with some poking out. I guess we'll call it rustic, that's what they do these days. Maybe it's an oatmeal smell I'm getting. Very strange and unexpected. Or my sniffer is broken, that happens sometimes.

I still get that oatmeal-like taste biting into the cookie weirdly enough. But I definitely understand the pumpkin flavor there, so it's not like I've been duped. But it's a little different than I was expecting. Pumpkin flavor seems to be able to take many forms, between pumpkin spice, pumpkin pie, the more squashlike forms where it's used for soup and fillings... pretty versatile and diverse flavors. But I wouldn't call this exactly like a pumpkin cheesecake, that's for sure.

Speaking of cheesecake, the cheesecake chips are very nice. They look like white chocolate, but are definitely decently creamy. However since they're not spread throughout I don't always get to enjoy them. Also despite this being soft and crumbly it was a bit chewy for my tastes, I mean that's to be expected for a packaged cookie, but do I get that taste as if it was freshly baked like it's shown on the box? Not really. An alright cookie overall but not quite what I was expecting in terms of the pumpkin cheesecake flavor.

Rating: 5 - Ruff!

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