Saturday, December 16, 2017

Ginbis Christmas Shimichoco Corn

The December Japan Crate, included not one, but two puffed corn, and with this one we have chocolate corn! I've been told these ones are chocolate corn puffs that are then also covered in chocolate icing. Double chocolate? Yum! Sticking true to my name, I love me some chocolate, so I'm excited to try these. They also come in star shapes as evidenced by the smiling rainbow star on the bag.

Hm, so maybe not as much icing as I predicted. But that's probably a good thing since there is a such thing as sweetness overload. This light icing approach could work out in their favor. Already it's reminding me of chocolate popcorn I used to get from Cub Scouts, and I loved that stuff. Can you believe some of them call themselves wolves though? They wish. The corn has a nice sweet chocolate smell to it, again similar to semisweet chocolate chips which bodes well. And the texture resembles that of a chocolate cereal. I wonder how these would be in milk.

The texture is surprisingly softer than I expected, but it's nice. Only a tiny bit of crunch on the outside before chocolate and corn flavors dissolve in my mouth. I can definitely taste as resemblance to the caramel corn but this is a bit sweeter which I love. The icing as expected is not overbearing and adds the perfect touch to an already solid base.

It has this light airy texture with a lot of holes on the inside which makes it feel like you're biting through a soft wafer. Overall though I'm really impressed with the way it melts. What a pleasant feeling! I keep picking up more and more because I want to keep experiencing it. But even after you're left with a delightful chocolate aftertaste lingering for a while. Mmm... maybe I'll nap with this aftertaste and have pleasant chocolate dreams.

My only complaint is there's way too much air in this bag. Why? I want more of this delightful chocolate goodness!

Rating: 8 - Rowf!

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