Wednesday, December 13, 2017

DIY Minions Furifuri Shake

Okay I should give this a 1 just for the Minion but I won't. Like seriously, if you're going to put up a cute goofy creature on a package it should be me! I get into plenty of trouble but can give puppy eyes with the best of them. I'd sell way more DIY shakes than this yellow abomination. But hey, I guess it kinda makes sense since this is a banana flavored shake. And as my 2nd DIY item, I'm pumped to give this a try, because as much as I love eating I love making and playing with food just as much! Oh yeah and milkshakes. They make me feel like a cat lapping up milk (how disgraceful), but they're so good.

One plus for this already is that the cup is reusable! I like to hoard all my possessions into my corner of the den, so this'll be a good thing to add to the pile. I mean it has a Minion on it, but also a bunch of bananas, so it kind of evens out. It's a little small for most uses, maybe when I only want a little bit of some exotic drink. Also unlike the previous kit that came with two packets, this one has only one. Makes sense, it's a milkshake, nothing complicated.

The instructions for this are to pour milk to the red star on the cup, then powder and an ice cube, then shake. And then there's a spot in the lid for a straw to go in (not pictured). Before I pour the powder in, I should say that it does have a banana smell to it, kind of an artificial smelling one, but it's there. Just to make sure the banana flavor isn't some miracle chemical reaction, you never know.

I got nervous when shaking since there is a hole for the straw that all the milk would get on my paws, or I didn't have the lid on tight and I'd lose all the milky banana goodness, but it all turned out well! Worth noting that I didn't have an ice cube at the ready because wolves don't need their water to be that cold (and if we did it's winter and there's a river nearby!), so maybe I'm not getting the full experience, but pretty sure I still am.

I definitely get the banana flavor tasting this, but it's not quite strong enough. I stick my straw at the bottom and shake some more and now I get it, but it still tastes really powdery and artificial to me. Shake it some more even and now it starts to make sense. Good, at first I thought I'd just be reviewing the almond milk I put in! It still though, just tastes like milk with banana powder added. Which is fine, but I expect more when it says "milkshake." Maybe I'm spoiled by the ones I've managed to snatch from human establishments.

And I love banana, but a lot of times artificial banana flavors don't do it for me, and this is no different. I mean c'mon, nobody ever likes the banana Laffy Taffy, right? The other weird thing is that a bunch of the banana powder seemed to blob up at the bottom and it tastes like some crunchy artificial banana lump. Really strange sensation and it's super strong. Ugh, that's more artificial banana than I'd really want. Okay yup, had enough of that flavor for 2017, guess I'll be downing some real bananas in the meantime.

Rating: 2 - Awrr

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