Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tirol Choco Pack

I return! After enjoying the holidays with my pack, it's time to get to trying some candy again, and this time I've got a few things to try. I've heard of these Tirol chocolates for a while now but haven't gotten the chance to try them. Finally a pack appeared at my local Japanese market and I pounced on the opportunity. I love the square wrappers, when you put them together it looks like tiles! Not sure how to describe it, almost like a retro vibe. And I'm certainly excited to try the cookies & cream flavor, I love that Hershey's cookies and cream bar!

Guess the most sensible thing to do would be to try the original one first. Not much to say about the appearance and smell here, it's pretty much like normal chocolate would look and smell like. The smell reminds me of those little advent calendar chocolates I used to get. Not sure how to describe it, like milk chocolate? But milk is the next one, hmm...

Interestingly enough it isn't just regular chocolate. There's a chewy filling in it that seems to be coffee flavored? The texture is kind of weird to me, it sticks to my teeth as I chew on it. Not the most pleasant thing. Looking it up this appears to be the coffee nougat flavor. Interesting. I'm not much of a coffee pup, I usually go for tea instead, but the flavor would definitely be nice to a coffee fan. Between that and the texture though it doesn't seem to be my thing.

Rating: 3 - Rrr
Next up is what I thought the previous one would be, the milk one. Smelling this one though I do get an actual milk flavor, not just a milk chocolate flavor. Maybe there's a milk flavored filling too? Only one way to find out. If I were a feline I'd be just a bit more excited...

As predicted, there is a milk filling to this one and it works quite well! It's a solid white layer with a pleasant texture similar to the surrounding chocolate, not sticky like the previous one. The whole blend of course is kind of reminiscent of chocolate milk, which is not quite a flavor that I've had captured in a chocolate quite this well. I do feel like the chocolate in both of these is too much sugar and not enough chocolate for my liking, but in this case it works pretty well with the filling.

Rating: 6 - Aruff!

Not sure if the BIS chocolates are different for each color, but I will try both to make sure (don't have to ask me!). The pink one has the same swirl design that the coffee one did, and the same smell. I'm pretty sure BIS here means there's a biscuit inside which could add an interesting level of crunch.

And interesting it is. The biscuit inside is a little bit salty too which balances out the overly sweet chocolate well. Overall it's a nice complement to the chocolate, gotta have some crunch to make you feel all powerful and fierce while biting down on it, right? Just me? Okay.

Rating: 6 - Aruff!

As mentioned, I'm excited about this flavor, and the appearance of it is already pretty interesting. There's a marble effect of white and black with more black at the bottom. And the familiar swirl design is still there. Smelling it I definitely get the white chocolate. While I am more inclined towards dark chocolate, I can have an appreciation for white chocolate too in its own right. With an Oreo like flavor too, it should pair well.

It does pair quite well indeed! The taste is pretty much like the Hershey's cookies and cream bar with a little bit more crunch thanks to the larger cookie bits on the inside which I love. Can I just get a giant bag of these? Maybe that wouldn't be a good idea, I'd be eating them all day... Fantastic flavor though. The buttery white chocolate and crunchy chocolate cookies are a hit combination as always and they get the ratio just right here.

Rating: 9 - Arooooo!

Last flavor, and this one has a rather interesting appearance too. Instead of going just for the strawberry jelly in the middle of a normal chocolate they choose to go with a strawberry base with a chocolate layer on the bottom too. It's quite pretty and definitely has a distinct strawberry smell above anything else.

I don't know how they got strawberry jelly to work so well in a chocolate, but I am really impressed! The jelly filling is a rich explosion of strawberry flavor packaged carefully by the outside strawberry and chocolate. It felt almost like biting into a jelly donut weirdly enough, with just a hint of chocolate. I don't know how they manage to capture the feeling of a pastry so well with non-pastry ingredients, maybe the jelly filling is just that good. In any case, they knocked it out of the park with this one. I was unsure about a strawberry jelly chocolate but I absolutely loved it.

Rating: 10 - AWOOOOOOO!!!

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