Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tirol Kinako and Matcha Mochi

Two more Tirols! Whether they're jaw-droppingly amazing or meh, these always seem to deliver some surprises, and with unique flavors such as these ones this should be no different. I'm especially looking forward to the matcha one, as that is one of my favorite flavors in Japanese desserts, and kinako I got a taste of in a previous Japan Crate and liked it well enough, but we'll see if it shines on its own here.

For those who did not remember or did not read the previous post kinako is a soybean flour, and this chocolate has kind of a soybean taste. It's a bit like miso, sweet, kinda like peanut butter but more savory and with some umami. The chocolate is not much interesting on the outside except for a nice light brown color.

The inside however, is quite surprising, as there's a jelly filling in here too! However it doesn't seem to be as rich and sweet as the strawberry stuff, and has a bit of a chewier texture to it. I wasn't too much of a fan of this as it didn't slide down the throat quite as well, but the kinako flavor is quite strong and tastes pretty good. Though it wouldn't be my go to sweet, I love peanut butter but compared to that, this is lacking a good bit of sweetness and richness that I would've liked to have. Others may like it more.

Rating: 5 - Ruff!

The matcha chocolate has a very striking dark green color and an even stronger scent. I could just sniff this for hours, roooooooooooo... but then I wouldn't get to eat it! There are also some darker accents on the surface, making it all the more appealing.

This one also contains a jelly filling, though it is a bit softer than the kinako one. This filling has an even stronger flavor than the already strong outside, and with matcha you can never have enough of that amazing tea flavor, so the matcha explosion in my mouth is more than welcomed! It's sweet but has that nice earthy taste to it at the same time, and plenty of texture variety between the harder outside and softer inside. I'm quite a fan of this!

Rating: 9 - Arooooo!

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