Monday, January 22, 2018

Every Burger

And here's another item that I picked up at Nijiya Market simply for the sheer confusion of what it is! I mean, I love sinking my canines into a good burger, and if you can combine that with Japanese snack food, there's no way it can go wrong, right? I'm going to go on a limb here and guess it isn't actually burger flavored, because that would be a little too weird.

First thing to note here is that the box is quite unique in the way it opens! It opens up from the front, leaving a nice invitation to go grab the burgers. I'm not sure if it's supposed to resemble a hamburger box, but either way nice touch!

The burgers themselves have a distinct smell of chocolate, which means we certainly aren't going for accuracy here. The buns though, do look scarily accurate, they have the right level of toasting and even some sesame seeds! The "meat" is a layer of chocolate and there is also a dollop of white chocolate to represent the cheese. Not bad making a pretty realistic burger-looking snack!

First trying the components individually, the bun has a bit of sweetness, but also does retain some sesame flavor from the seeds, which is really interesting. The chocolate is softer than expected, especially for a burger, but ignoring the inaccuracy there it works. All together it's a good package! The bun provides the savory notes and the filling provides the sweet notes. The white chocolate even provides a good change in flavor tone to round out the whole thing. It does seem to be a little dry, but that's my only criticism. With water on hand it's a great little snack that is way too addictive!

Rating: 8 - Rowf!

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