Sunday, January 21, 2018

Calpico Mini, Original, and Lychee & Mango

In a world full of carbonated soft drinks, it's refreshing to see one that isn't, especially as a pup bothered by bubbles. Therefore I really hope these are good! I'm particularly excited about the lychee and mango flavor, because I love lychee and have never seen it in combination with mango before, but am intrigued. Not sure what original could be...

The original drink sure has a weird flavor. It's solid white in color, and I'd almost liken the scent to toothpaste? It has a bit of a bright fruity smell too, maybe it's the same flavor as that other white stuff I can't distinguish. One day I'll get to the bottom of this flavor...

The drink tastes no different. Though in liquid form it makes a little bit more sense. It's milky tasting, with a little bit of an indistinguishable fruity taste to it. It has enough to sweetness too to rough out the taste edges a bit. As this was a mini one, after taking a few sips to my surprise I was already done! Not anything mind-blowingly good, but great for a quick refreshment.

Rating: 7 - Aroof!

Immediately the smell from the lychee drink was much more pleasant and much less confusing. Pretty much has a pure lychee smell. Like the original drink it's also white, guess that makes sense, but expected it to have an orange tint from the mango.

After tasting it I'm definitely a fan! The lychee seems to be just what this drink needs, and the mango provides a nice counterpoint to the more subdued sweetness with a little bit of tang that hits me close to the end of each gulp. Although as the drink goes on those flavors seem to diminish sadly, and it becomes a little one-note... But still worth it for that initial shot of lychee goodness and refreshment.

Rating: 7 - Aroof!

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