Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Lotte Petit Choco Pie

Everything about these little pies looks so good! From the drizzling chocolate image, to the velvety cream within, to the scrumptious fluffy chocolate, there's a lot of excitement to be had. And as a party pack, there's 8 of them! Hopefully choco pies are every bit of the greatness that are pictured on their packaging.

The pies unfortunately are a bit smaller than I'd expect (they are "petit" after all), it still looks quite delicious, and very close to what it does on the cover. From one sniff I get both the chocolate which balances out sweet and chocolatey nicely, and the cream within, which doesn't always happen with filled snacks.

The textures are a mix of velvety softness. There's the outside with slightly more bite, then the inside chocolate which is softer and gets close to melting in your mouth, and then the cream filling which does melt in your mouth, drawing everything together with cream. It's basically reminiscent of a moon pie, which are also wonderful, and this doesn't fail to be the same. Everything is well done between the chocolate flavor and the cream, even the balance of flavors pans out where I don't get too much cream or too much chocolate. My biggest complaint is that these are way too small! I believe Lotte does make a larger version. As it is this one makes it so I'm going to go through the 8 included pies very quickly seeking even more chocolatey, creamy goodness.

Rating: 9 - Arooooo!

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