Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Senzu Bean Edamame Snack

Edamame is always a fun little Japanese snack. So much flavor from such a tiny bean, and it seems to come from the saltiness of the pod itself. It's quite a unique thing and I'm surprised it's not in more cuisines. I'm skeptical of this snack like I am many other salty snacks, but I hope this one manages to get the flavor just right. And then hopefully I'll be popping them in my mouth nonstop like edamame.

The snacks seem to be shaped to resemble an edamame pod, and they get the color right, although the shape could definitely be a little less rigid. They have a very salty smell as well, almost a little too salty, and then a smell that does resemble edamame but it's a little off. I can't tell what it is, it seems to lack depth.

One of the major differences from edamame right off the bat is the crunch. It certainly makes the whole snack taste a lot different from how I'm used to it. While the smell fell a little flat, the taste certainly has more depth. It's quite rich, earthy sweetness accented by a lot of saltiness but not drowned out by it, and I'm certainly popping quite a few in my mouth as I go. It actually manages to capture the feel of edamame well despite being a completely different texture. They did a great job here, and though it took some adjusting at first I'm impressed at the depth of flavor in this unassuming snack.

Rating: 9 - Arooooo!

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