Thursday, May 3, 2018

One Piece Bubbly Jelly DIY

Been a while since I've had a jelly DIY! These are always pretty fun except for figuring out how to eat them of course, because those tiny straws never cut it. This one also comes in the slightly more unique flavor of melon, which I at first haven't been a fan of but it's certainly growing on me as I try more and more melon snacks. Japan just does the flavor justice. This one also seems to come with a reusable cup, which actually worries a bit because the snacks with reusable cups I've had before haven't been good. Can this one break the mold?

Pretty simple setup this time, but also more involved than the other collectible cup DIY drinks, haing two packets. Likely this means there's a soda and jelly layer, like a DIY drink I had a while back. There's also a spoon instead of a straw, yay! No issues with trying to slurp up thick jelly, which is always a plus. The souvenir cup is nice too, but these are always so tiny that I don't know what to do with them.

I expected melon from the first packet, but it seems to be... ramune? It is the distinct color and smell and starting from water that filled up half the cup it fizzed up to the full cup almost immediately. Despite being fizzy though, it doesn't have any fizz in its taste, instead it's a little thicker than the typical soda. Maybe this is supposed to be the jelly part. The next step is to put it in the fridge for 5-10 minutes, likely so it could firm up.

After that amount of time, it seems to have done just that, though I was impatient and took it out before it could solidify completely. Whoops! The green packet is next, and like its color it creates a light green colored fizz, which I guess is indeed both the melon part and the fizzy part. It's very light and airy.

So it seems this snack is composed of an airy melon foam and a jelly-like ramune layer. My tastebuds are constantly confused going between the two flavors as I lap it down. They don't really seem to mix well together, I thought they might since they're lighter flavors, but it turns out two light flavors can still clash. Also as the two layers mix together they lose their distinct textures which is a little disappointing. Still though the flavors are nice on their own, although a little bland somehow still. They're refreshing, but seem to lack sweetness, or anything else that would make them stand out, so in the end it feels like slurping my way through slight scented air. Of two different flavors. Not the greatest thing, but not bad either.

Rating: 4 - Boof!

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