Saturday, March 10, 2018

Tohato Sakura Shrimp Potato Rings

The other sakura themed item in this box, we have sakura shrimp. Which may not actually be sakura flavored, as sakura shrimp are in fact a type of shrimp. And I can't really say I've even had those before. What I can tell is that this is a variation on the Tohato potato ring I've had before, but the first one was sweet potato flavored, so I expect more of a savory flavor for this one. Also the packaging absolutely enamors me, the triangular pyramid form factor is rarely ever seen so it's a treat to have here. This is also part of the party pack so there are plenty more where this came from!

To my surprise, the potato rings are a bit smaller than I was expecting, but I guess it makes sense given the smaller package. Not much to say about the appearance otherwise, they're rather plain looking but that's to be expected with this type of snack. The potato smell is definitely more dominant here than the shrimp smell but I do get both. I expect the shrimp flavor to play more of a background role here, accenting the potato to provide some extra flavor profile.

Like I predicted, the rings are more dominant on the potato side. The shrimp seems to be a rather sweet shrimp flavor. However, the two flavors don't seem to play off each other as well as I thought. It seems like they're always at odds, which is odd because this seem like it could work ala fish and chips. But the shrimp and potato do seem to be in their own universes, only overlapping occasionally.

I don't really think I get anything significant from eating this either. It's not quite satisfying, and I don't enjoy either the potato or shrimp flavors because they're always clashing with each other. It's not quite enough of a savory taste, or enough of a sweet taste. Definitely left feeling underwhelmed here, which was a shame, because I had high hopes for this after the last shrimp snack.

Rating: 2 - Awrr

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