Monday, March 12, 2018

Anpanman Festival Rice Puffs

I guess these characters are a recurring thing in Japanese cuisine, so I might as well get used to them. I suppose Anpanman is the one on the left since he looks most like anpan (red bean bun). Not too much a fan of his appearance though, but at least he seems to have an eye for good food. These though? I hope they'll be good, I know nothing about them besides being multicolored and having both salt and honey flavors. Not the most enticing sounding, but looks and descriptions can certainily deceive.
So far they seem to have the distinct appearance of Froot Loops, with a more limited selection of colors. I do quite like this color combination though. I think it reminds me of some Tic Tacs before, and seems pretty festive, like another take on Christmas colors. The smell... is something else though. I know why, the honey and salt smells do NOT mix! It smells like some gross seawater type concoction. Usually the smell is an accurate depiction of the taste but I'll give it a pass here given my prior information.

I taste the white one first, and I think it's the honey one, but at first it has a slightly salty taste to it anyways. The pink one seems to be the same, but the green one is definitely salty. The salty one is easy to decipher, it's definitely a popcorn kind of taste, except with more rice and less butter. It's okay, but quite standard, and I don't really get much from eating it.

The honey one though is much more interesting. Contrasting with the salty flavor its sweetness is much more pronounced, so maybe that's the logic behind the dual flavors. This one is a treat to eat, the honey is quite subtle but in this case, I like it, seems like it's hiding amongst the rice. And of course because it's an option too, I tried the two flavors together. This is also a satisfying flavor surprisingly enough, the honey and salt do actually blend, unlike their smell. Which is really odd. Maybe the sniffer does lie? Are all my wolf foundations going to be broken? Oh nooooooooooo!

Rating: 7 - Aroof!

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