Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Tohato Harvest Sweet Potato Biscuits

It's our good friend Tohato once again, here to bring another dose of sweet potato to me eager panting tongue, this time in biscuit form. I'm intrigued, and the biscuits themselves on the bag art are smiling at me. I hope that's not how they are actually do. It's quite hard to eat cute things. It's also worth noting that I found these at Nijiya Market in many different flavors, most of which I can't distinguish. If this is good, I look forward to scarfing down more flavors in the future.

The biscuits themselves come in packs of 4, and there are 8 of these packs in the bag? Sweet, looks like a good deal. I take the first one out of the bag (which unfortunately had a corner broken off it in all the rustling) and it's surprisingly thin. I start to get a little worried about this, after all thick soft baked goods tend to be better than thin hard ones on average. But there's a lovely smell coming from this, it's sweet, definitely a bit of that sweet potato flavor mixed with a little coconut? Huh.

Taking a bite of it, all my worries are appeased, this is excellent. It once again perfects the sweet and salty balance that I praised with their sweet potato rings. You might not be able to see it, but there's a light dusting of sugar on the top of these biscuits that it is just enough to enhance the flavor. And they're not completely crispy, some crunch but also a lightness to it. The sweet potato flavor though is extremely subtle, if anything I taste more coconut.

All in all though, sweet potato flavor or not, these biscuits are delicious. They seem like the perfect pairing for a hot tea or hot chocolate or cider, and I may just do that... after I finish munching on the rest of the ones in this pack and curl up for a warm winter night

Rating: 7 - Aroof!.

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