Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Rapoppo Farm Sweet Potato Candy

More sweet potato! Not that this pup is complaining, whether alongside or instead of a hunk of meat the vegetable never fails to delight. This candy comes from Rapoppo farm, which I'm told is a sweet potato themed bakery. Just another item on the list of things I ask, "why isn't this closer to my den?" Doing my research, they have bruleed sweet potatoes, cookies with sweet potatoes, and sweet potato custard among other things. Now I'm a dignified wolf, but I would certainly sit and beg and do whatever for any of these confections... not that I can. Maybe I'll have to concoct some myself.

...Back to the actual candy. It appears to be a hard candy with a softer interior, obviously sweet potato flavored. They're individually wrapped as is the norm for hard candies, and strangely enough yellow. That's misleading, but I guess the weirdly detailed images of sweet potato on both the wrappers would tell anyone otherwise.

My tastebuds are instantly confused when I put this in my mouth. It's not quite sweet, but not quite unsweet either. In that sense it's almost like a sweet potato itself? But there's something a little off about it. I guess in a sense this is more the raw essence of sweet potato compared to those honey sweet potato rings I gobbled down earlier. But I always top my sweet potatoes with brown sugar, butter, sometimes marshmallows, and the like so I never really do get that pure flavor. I'm not delighted or disgusted, just... fascinated by this flavor. I feel like I could sit in my den for hours pondering this.

Eventually though I get curious and start to bite it, and as advertised it starts to crumble as I get to the softer interior. It's once again a really fascinating sensation, the blend of thin crumbling hard candy shell and soft, slightly chewy interior. This is where the sweet potato flavor really shines, because when it all comes down to it, sweet potatoes are meant to be bitten, not licked. It all comes together now and my tail starts to wag in satisfaction. Kind of a metaphor for the uncertainty of a hunt followed by the sweet definitive satisfaction when it goes well, huh? No? Ah well then. I would buy these again if they were available but not go too out of my way. That bakery though? GIMME EVERYTHING, ROWR

Rating: 5 - Ruff!

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