Sunday, December 10, 2017

Christmas Fugashi

This one has a really cute design on it! The letters are arranged in a really pleasing way, and on the top some of them are a little out of place (I spent forever looking for the missing "E" that's actually in the top right corner). And the Santa and Rudolph on both sides are really nice. I had a phase once where I'd try to make my nose red like Rudolph and pretend I was the chosen reindeer to help Santa's sleigh fly. Not a position for wolves though, maybe I should be taking inspiration from Olive the dog instead. Anyways fugashi is a sugary wheat puff, which I've never heard of. Doesn't sound particularly appetizing, but who knows with this stuff?

...And I can't say I was expecting it to look like this either. It looks like a yule log! They should've named it that at least for the holidays. Heck, I would've mistaken it for a pretzel if I saw it otherwise. But now I can certainly imagine this is what puffed wheat might look like, granted baked a bit more than expected. It feels very light and has a slight sweet smell.

It tastes way better than I was expecting, that's for sure. It's quite a bit more sweet than it smells, and as you can see inside it's a lot more soft and flaky. There is still a little bit of a burnt taste from the outside, but it kind of works in a strange way. You get a little bit of crunch at first, then the outer layer taste, then the sweet soft inside which eventually dissolves into a pleasant aftertaste. After taking a few bites I'm not even really sure what to think about it.

This is one of the few things I've tasted that doesn't have a particular flavor assigned to it, it's simply puffed wheat. And that kind of works on its own, but I find myself wanting a little something more each time I bite this, greedy puppy I am. I wonder if they make these in different flavors? Would be interesting to find out. On its own though this is an interesting flavor experience, and has a really nice amount of sweetness that makes it a pleasant bite throughout.

Rating: 6 - Aruff!

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