Wednesday, December 6, 2017


Yes, do not be fooled, it looks like a camera. A little weirder looking than the one I nabbed at the park one day to take these pictures for sure. But instead of dispensing film it dispenses candy. Not only does it dispense candy, but it's a fortune telling camera. These are the possible outcomes:

  • Green: Things are looking up!
  • Pink: Popularity is coming your way!
  • Orange: Uh oh! Mom's gonna be mad at you.
  • Gray: Something will make you anxious.
  • Yellow: You'll have good luck tomorrow afternoon.
Um, pretty random outcomes, especially since I assume there's more than one of some colors in here. They I assume I have an angry mother then, but mine is nothing of the sort. Regardless, I guess I'll try to interpret what these outcomes might mean. It's also worth noting that the word Taberundesu means "I'm gonna eat it" which is a rather odd name to pair with a fortune telling camera. What were the humans behind this thinking? No idea. Strange creatures, they are.

The neat thing about this camera-like box is that it dispenses candy through the "lens" when you press down the switch at the top. Except I was confused at first because I didn't know that I had to rip a strip at the top of the box out before pressing down and then the candy didn't plop right out at first so I had to bite down on the camera with my paw on the switch and shake the candies out one by one. Very difficult, it was.

Anyways, the order shown from right to left is what I got. There are more on here but I'm not going to tell my fortune that far in advance. Of course I got three gray (but actually white) ones... I'm quite the anxious puppy and at this present moment there are so many friends I want to play with and places to explore and critters to hunt and food to eat... how am I going to have time for it all? But I guess this'll subside eventually after doing all these things and then my future will look up, and then come crashing right down when I get too rowdy in the den and break one of my mom's favorite decorations. Just my interpretation.

Onto the actual candy. These are hard candies and I start with the gray one as my fortune intended. They're tinier than many other hard candies. I can't really taste a flavor sucking away at the gray one. It's just kinda sweet. After not too long it breaks down into a crunchier texture and the flavor really starts to come out. Still hard to distinguish... it reminds me of a Calpico drink I've had. Which is apparently a sweet milky flavor, so let's go with that.

I expected the orange one to taste like orange and taste like orange it did. But the orange flavor is a little bit different than the one I'm used to. It's less sweet and more subdued, but the candy itself is still sweet. I know that doesn't make any sense. Just trust me on this one. The green one tastes just like the gray one in that I can't figure out the flavor. The pink one tastes... like the orange one? I'm so confused. Maybe these all taste the same and I'm imagining things. Yeah, after trying the yellow one, I'm convinced the flavors are either extremely subtle or not different at all. Weird. I tried looking up what this item was but all I found was it was mentioned in an anime called Dagashi Kashi?

The candies themselves are okay and the idea itself is pretty wacky, but as a whole this doesn't really seem worth getting. There are much better tasting hard candies out there. But maybe it'll map out the results of my prowls for the next few days, who knows.

Rating: 3 - Rrr

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