Sunday, February 4, 2018

Lotte Rose x Berry Glamatic Tablets

One unique factor of the TokyoTreat box is that every month it includes a kinosei snack in the box, which means a snack that provides health benefits. That being said, I'm not sure what health benefits this is supposed to have, because as far as I can see, it's a breath mint. Maybe health for my packmates as I lick them clean? Not too sure, but nevertheless, a treat that improves your breath and is tasty is always a plus. Let's see what these are like!

The packaging is unexpected but I am very much a fan! After taking the box out of the wrapper, it slides out to reveal two of these tablets at once. Very useful in stopping someone like me from devouring them all so I can max out the breath benefits. I see you lotte. The smell of these is VERY strong, I don't even have to get up close, and it's pretty heavy on the rose end. Of course rose doesn't exclaim "eat me!" but it is a nice smell, like walking through a flower garden.

Of course, I was worried that the rose wouldn't make this taste pleasant, but while the rose takes over the aroma, there's much more berry in the taste. The rose is still there, but not enough to overwhelm the edible part, and the berry is quite pleasant! Not overly sweet, but enough to bring a smile to the face as it dissolves in your mouth and fills your breath with rose. I almost wish a single tablet would last longer, but I guess these are supposed to be a fairly quick fix to bad breath. Now to see if the packmates notice my breath! Arooooo

Rating: 7 - Aroof!

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