Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Meiji Tsukorou Kinoko no Yama DIY

A while back I had one of these biscuit snacks from Meiji and it was quite yummy! But this one looks to take it up a notch, being in DIY form and having different shapes and many different layers. Already looks like ton of fun and hopefully not too much work between me and the delicious chocolate biscuits.

Thankfully it seems that'll be the case as the contents are quite simple: biscuits, molds, and three squeeze bottles with the different toppings.

However the instructions first interestingly enough have me boil some water. This is to soften the normally hard material within them. It makes sense but I really don't like waiting!

After a few minutes of sitting in the hot water the tubes are ready. They come out with more resistance than expected, due to having very small openings. There also seem to be way more biscuits in here than toppings, I improvised by putting a few extra on some of the molds but still had some left over. Guess it's insurance for those that may break in transit.

After a short stay in the fridge this is how they turned out. Surprisingly very low effort to remove! However they taste not as great as the packaged versions. Maybe it's because they had to make one that liquified easily, but the chocolate doesn't seem to have the same bitter taste to it, and the vanilla and strawberry aren't all that pleasant either, overly sweet and not much depth. The biscuit too is just okay, and I actually feel like it clashes a bit with the overly sweet toppings in this case. It was some good fun making these, but I certainly had less fun eating them, unfortunately.

Rating: 4 - Boof!

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