Monday, March 19, 2018

Lotte Barbapapa Custard Cake

You know me and pudding snacks. Just the sight of a picture of pudding, with the delicious eggy base and caramel coating gets my tail going and my maw drooling. And if you put this in a cake!? Well, this reminds me of a bread from Yakitate!! Japan which was a pudding-filled kouign amann, and I really wanted to bake it myself, but I couldn't find any recipe... maybe one day. But now I have this as a possible substitute! The cake could allow just the starchy base needed to complete the amazingness that is Japanese pudding.

One little unexpected touch with this box is there's a craft hidden inside! On the bottom you can cut out the pink blob-looking character and glue on some arms to have him hug whichever lucky pudding cake deserves his warmth. Of course all of them do because this stuff is bound to be really delicious, though I suppose he can hug all of them before they are ravenously consumed by me. Of course not the first one, because I'll end up flooding the den with drool if I have to wait that long.

The smell of this cake... reminds me of something, and I can't put my paw on it. Angel food cake? Nah. A Little Debbie cake? Much more likely. It must've been good whatever it is, because the smell is giving me good vibes already: a light, buttery, sweet cake that is warm and inviting to my nostrils. And I doubt I've even smelled the pudding filling yet! The cake also appears very well made, with a darker texture on the top and lighter sides.

The cake meets all my lofty expectations taste-wise. Surprisingly the pudding filling flavor isn't that prominent but it still works because the cake is so flavorful! The texture is so light that it melts in my mouth and then I get the pudding filling flavor that I so desire, backed by wonderful buttery starch cake. The bit of different texture on the top also provides a lot of variety, making it more than just soft and spongy all around and giving it some bite.

My main qualms with this bread come of course, from the pudding flavor not being as noticeable as it is, but what I get is quite excellent. The caramel flavor, while still a little blip, is noticeable and adds something. Then the issue is that the pudding flavor isn't spread out well. Some bites have lots of pudding, and some lots of bread. Which is good if you like variety in your snack, but for me I'm all about the pudding-cake balance that makes this snack the amazing little concoction it is. And considering I already ate another one, it is quite good! Top notch pastry, even better than all those Little Debbies that brought along those memories.

Rating: 9 - Arooooo!

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